Watch As Nasa Reveals Asteroid Samples Collected By The Osiris-rex Mission

Trending 2 weeks ago
  • Andrew Liszewski

    NASA finds building blocks for life successful nan Bennu asteroid sample



    Scientists from NASA and different institutions who personification been analyzing nan Bennu asteroid sample that returned to Earth past September recovered molecules, including amino acids, which are basal ingredients of life arsenic we cognize it. The sample too included “evidence of an ancient business well-suited to kickstart nan chemistry of life,” according to a NASA spot merchandise today.

    The findings, published successful investigation papers coming successful nan journals Nature and Nature Astronomy, don’t corroborate nan beingness of extraterrestrial life, but alternatively corroborate nan “conditions basal for nan emergence of life were wide crossed nan early prima system.” They too lend support to theories that nan amino acids basal for life to beryllium connected Earth originated elsewhere, “increasing nan likelihood life could personification formed connected different planets and moons.”

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  • Wes Davis

    Here’s nan past sample worldly from nan Bennu asteroid.

    NASA had hoped to stitchery astatine slightest 60 grams of worldly from nan asteroid erstwhile its OSIRIS-REx ngo waste and acquisition punched its aboveground successful 2020.

    A image of 8 triangular sample trays, nan 2 right-middle ones perchance filled pinch a 4th of that, nan bottommost adjacent 2 acold small so, and nan remaining 1 pinch only a less bits of material.

  • Wes Davis

    Here’s what NASA brought backmost from nan Bennu asteroid.

    The image presented coming is obscurity adjacent arsenic absorbing arsenic nan elaborate and very zoomable full-res download you tin drawback from NASA’s site, though.

    A image of nan Bennu asteroid sample.

  • Wes Davis

    NASA has freed nan Bennu asteroid sample aft 3 months of trying.

    The US abstraction agency says it will merchandise a catalog of nan sample to scientists this spring.

  • Richard Lawler

  • Richard Lawler

    NASA shows disconnected nan first images and accusation from its caller asteroid samples.

    While nan larger rocks successful nan craft’s Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM) personification yet to beryllium evaluated, coming are a less images from nan livestream showing what they’ve recovered successful nan canister lid and guidelines astir nan TAGSAM.

  • NASA collected a sample from an asteroid for nan first clip — here’s why it matters

    OSIRIS-REx sample retrieval by NASA

    OSIRIS-REx sample retrieval by NASA

    NASA completed its first-ever sample return ngo from an asteroid today, pinch a taxable capsule containing worldly from an asteroid landing aft having traveled connected a 1.2 billion-mile recreation from nan asteroid Bennu. The capsule was released from nan OSIRIS-REx spacecraft arsenic it passed by Earth this morning, entering nan ambiance astatine astir 27,000mph.

    The OSIRIS-REx mission, launched successful 2016, has collected arsenic overmuch arsenic respective 100 grams of asteroid material, which could thief scientists understand nan earliest stages of nan Solar System.

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  • Wes Davis

    The OSIRIS-REx capsule is successful nan bag.

    NASA reports that nan OSIRIS-REx capsule “has been bagged” and is flying suspended from a chopper to nan abstraction agency’s cleanable laboratory to retrieve samples gathered from nan Bennu asteroid successful 2020.

    When it gets to NASA’s on-site cleanable room, scientists will region nan canister containing nan sample to beryllium opened astatine Johnson Space Center successful Houston, Texas connected Tuesday.

    Check retired this assemblage of screenshots from NASA’s unrecorded coverage. NASA had a photographer connected site, truthful we’ll astir apt get immoderate overmuch nicer shots of nan process soon.

  • Wes Davis

    NASA is now recovering nan capsule containing nan Bennu asteroid sample.

    A squad is preparing to return nan OSIRIS-REx capsule backmost to NASA’s portable cleanable laboratory to cod nan Bennu asteroid sample it gathered 3 years ago, according to NASA’s unrecorded coverage.

    Team members personification too placed flags successful nan area to connection perchance absorbing biology samples to cod successful nan area astir nan capsule for later examination.

    A group of 4 group guidelines adjacent nan OSIRIS-REx capsule.

  • Wes Davis

    OSIRIS-REx is safe for approach.

    Lockheed Martin portion checked it for susceptible heat, off-gassing, and unexploded ordinance astatine nan tract of nan capsule to make judge it poses nary threat to nan squad recovering nan OSIRIS-REx samples.

    They’ve now declared it safe to approach, truthful NASA will now spread to premier it up.

    Two group opinionated adjacent nan capsule, examining it for immoderate danger.

  • Wes Davis

    The OSIRIS-REx capsule has been located.

    The OSIRIS-REx chopper squad has confirmed nan location of nan capsule containing nan Bennu asteroid sample. The capsule touched down astatine astir 10:52AM ET.

    The first chopper has landed and nan squad is opening betterment of nan capsule arsenic soon arsenic they tin verify location is nary threat of wounded from unexploded ordinance.

    A image of nan OSIRIS-REx capsule astatine its landing site.

  • Wes Davis

    The OSIRIS-REx capsule has touched down.

    The “time capsule to our ancient prima system” from nan OSIRIS-REx ngo has officially touched down successful nan Utah desert.

    NASA’s unrecorded sum notes it landed astir 3 minutes sooner than expected. The squad is now heading to it pinch helicopters to statesman nan process of gathering nan samples.

  • Wes Davis

    The parachute is deployed.

    From nan NASA TV unrecorded coverage, OSIRIS-REx has deployed its parachute astir 5,000 feet supra nan Utah testing training range.

  • Wes Davis

    What’s adjacent for nan OSIRIS-REx spacecraft?

    Apophis will miss nan Earth by astir 20,000 miles successful 2029 — that’s personification than our ain Moon.

    OSIRIS-APEX will study nan gravitational effects of nan adjacent locomotion connected “the asteroid’s orbit, rotation rate, and surface.”

  • Wes Davis

    Here’s what NASA is really doing correct now pinch OSIRIS-REx.

    NASA put together a rendered preview to show what’s happening during today’s return of a sample scooped up from nan asteroid Bennu, showing what nan proscription and merchandise of nan OSIRIS-REx capsule looks like.

  • NASA’s asteroid-punching spacecraft originates its trek backmost home

    The Bennu asteroid, captured by NASA’s Osiris-REx spacecraft

    The Bennu asteroid, captured by NASA’s Osiris-REx spacecraft

    The NASA spacecraft that snatched a sample of rocks from nan distant Bennu asteroid past twelvemonth fired up a suite of thrusters connected Monday and committed to its two-year recreation backmost home. The maneuver kicks nan minivan-sized spacecraft, dubbed Osiris-REx, onto a winding cosmic measurement astir nan Sun and toward Earth’s orbit. When it returns to Earth successful 2023, it’ll flip a capsule packed pinch asteroid samples done nan ambiance location complete Utah.

    The spacecraft’s Asteroid Departure Maneuver (ADM) was nary sweat for nan Osiris-REx team, but it marked a important measurement towards nan return of nan first pristine cache of asteroid samples successful NASA’s history. Spacecraft engineers incorrect a Lockheed Martin halfway successful Littleton, Colorado confirmed nan seven-minute thruster firing began astatine 4PM ET Monday and celebrated occurrence soon after.

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  • Loren Grush

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe successfully stores mini sample of asteroid rocks successful its belly

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has successfully stored a mini cache of rocks that it grabbed from nan aboveground of an asteroid named Bennu past week, sealing nan pebbles incorrect nan vehicle’s belly. The asteroid particles will now enactment incorrect nan spacecraft complete nan adjacent 3 years, arsenic OSIRIS-REx makes its measurement backmost to Earth.

    OSIRIS-REx grabbed nan sample connected October 20th of past week, overmuch than 4 years aft launching from Earth connected its ngo to touch an asteroid. Using a bladed robotic arm, nan conveyance lightly tapped nan asteroid Bennu, stirring up rocks connected nan aboveground and pushing immoderate of nan pebbles up into nan spacecraft.

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  • Loren Grush

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx was truthful bully astatine grabbing asteroid rocks that they’re overflowing

    The extremity of OSIRIS-REx’s sample collector, showing asteroid sample leaking retired into space

    The extremity of OSIRIS-REx’s sample collector, showing asteroid sample leaking retired into space

  • Loren Grush

    Stunning images show NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft stirring up rocks connected an asteroid

    NASA shared astonishing images of its OSIRIS-REx spacecraft rubbing an asteroid yesterday, revealing really nan conveyance stirred up rocks and debris connected nan object’s aboveground erstwhile it made contact. The extremity of nan pat was to cod a sample of worldly from nan asteroid, but nan engineers down nan spacecraft opportunity they won’t for judge if they collected point until this weekend, erstwhile they rotation nan conveyance and measurement really overmuch worldly is inside.

    However, nan OSIRIS-REx squad feels assured that they sewage something. “Bottom connection is from study of nan images that we’ve gotten down truthful far, is that nan sampling arena went really well, arsenic bully arsenic we could personification imagined it would,” Dante Lauretta, nan main interrogator of OSIRIS-REx astatine nan University of Arizona, said during a spot conference. “And I deliberation nan chances that there’s worldly inside... personification gone measurement up measurement up based connected nan study of nan images.”

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  • Loren Grush

    NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully taps an asteroid successful effort to drawback a sample

    Image: Lockheed Martin

    This afternoon, a NASA spacecraft overmuch than 200 cardinal miles from Earth successfully touched nan aboveground of an asteroid, successful an effort to drawback a fistful of pebbles and particulate from nan abstraction rock. Data from nan spacecraft confirmed that nan conveyance did truthful touch nan asteroid today, but NASA won’t cognize until tomorrow if it really snagged a sample of material.

    “Touchdown declared,” a ngo controller announced erstwhile nan squad received accusation confirming nan maneuver. “Sampling successful process.” The news of nan occurrence was met pinch cheers and applause from engineers pursuing connected pinch nan procedure.

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  • Loren Grush

    Watch arsenic NASA’s OSIRIS-REx ngo attempts to drawback a sample from an asteroid

    This afternoon, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will drawback a mini sample of rocks from nan aboveground of an asteroid named Bennu zooming done abstraction overmuch than 200 cardinal miles from Earth. It’s an eager task, but if it works, OSIRIS-REx whitethorn yet return to Earth pinch nan largest sample of worldly from different abstraction assemblage since NASA’s Apollo missions to nan Moon.

    The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has been circling Bennu for nan past 2 years, mapping its aboveground and hunting for nan correct spot to snag these rocks. After an aggravated magnitude of readying from nan ngo team, nan engineers personification a target each picked retired connected Bennu and are caller to nonstop their spacecraft down to nan surface. OSIRIS-REx will lightly touch nan aboveground of Bennu pinch an extended robotic arm, which will past blast aerial onto nan rocks and cognition things up. The blast should nonstop pebbles and particulate up into nan arm. The rubble will past beryllium stored incorrect nan spacecraft for nan agelong recreation home.

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  • Loren Grush

    A NASA spacecraft is poised to snag nan largest sample of rocks from an asteroid ever

    An creator rendering of OSIRIS-REx astir to cod a sample from an asteroid named Bennu.

    An creator rendering of OSIRIS-REx astir to cod a sample from an asteroid named Bennu.

    Tomorrow, a US spacecraft overmuch than 200 cardinal miles from Earth will sneak up to an asteroid larger than nan Empire State Building and snag a fistful of rocks from its surface. If each goes to plan, nan spacecraft will shop nan precious cache of rocks incorrect its belly, and will yet bearer nan materials to Earth, wherever they tin beryllium studied by scientists successful a lab.

    The spacecraft stealing these rocks is called OSIRIS-REx, information of nan first-ever NASA ngo tasked pinch returning samples of an asteroid backmost to Earth. Launched successful September of 2016, OSIRIS-REx spent 2 years stepping to an asteroid named Bennu. Since it arrived successful 2018, nan spacecraft has been circling nan asteroid and mapping it successful excruciating detail, successful bid to find conscionable nan correct spot to scoop up a sample.

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  • Loren Grush

    How engineers are operating deep-space probes, Martian rovers, and satellites from their homes

    Carrie Bridge astatine her location activity station.

    Carrie Bridge astatine her location activity station.

    Last Tuesday, a squad of engineers sat huddled astir their instrumentality screens, monitoring a spacecraft arsenic it maneuvered astir a rocky asteroid overmuch than 140 cardinal miles from Earth. They were conducting an important interplanetary dress rehearsal, moving nan spacecraft done galore of nan operations it will do successful August erstwhile it attempts to snag a mini sample of rocks from nan asteroid’s surface. This dress rehearsal has been successful nan useful for years, and nan squad had expected to beryllium gathered together for it successful a ngo halfway successful Colorado.

    Instead, astir of them kept tabs connected nan arena from home. “It was a skeleton portion that was supporting nan arena successful person, compared to what was primitively planned,” Mike Moreau, lawman task caput for nan ngo astatine NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, tells The Verge. “More than three-quarters of nan squad was doing it from location and monitoring remotely.”

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  • Loren Grush

    NASA picks nan asteroid crater its spacecraft will bargain rocks from adjacent summer

    Next year, NASA plans to scoop up a mini batch of ungraded from an asteroid named Bennu, located millions of miles from Earth — and now nan agency knows which information of nan abstraction chromatic it’s going to bargain from. Today, nan abstraction agency announced that 1 of its spacecraft will effort to drawback immoderate particles from a 20-meter-wide crater, called Nightingale, connected nan asteroid.

    Engineers picked nan Nightingale tract from 4 past campaigner spots connected Bennu, arguing it could beryllium nan champion spot to find integrated worldly and h2o connected nan asteroid that whitethorn hail from nan earliest days of nan Solar System. “This 1 really came retired connected top, because of nan technological value,” Dante Lauretta, nan main interrogator of nan asteroid sampling mission, said during a spot normal announcing nan selection. However, targeting nan crater is not without risk. The area is surrounded by a ample wall of rocks, which could make it difficult to drawback a sample. But ultimately, Lauretta said nan area could personification what they’re looking for.

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  • Loren Grush

    NASA spacecraft snaps elaborate asteroid image from closest orbit yet

    A image of asteroid Bennu, taken by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from .4 miles away

    A image of asteroid Bennu, taken by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from .4 miles away

    NASA’s asteroid-sampling spacecraft OSIRIS-REx conscionable snapped its closest image yet of Bennu, nan deep-space chromatic it’s been hovering astir since nan extremity of past year. The high-resolution image highlights nan object’s very rocky aboveground and moreover showcases a very ample boulder connected its confederate half.

    OSIRIS-REx took this up-close image connected June 13th, correct aft nan spacecraft inserted itself into orbit astir Bennu for nan 2nd time. The conveyance first sewage into Bennu’s orbit connected December 31st, 2018, flying astir a mile distant from nan asteroid’s surface. From that path, OSIRIS-REx mapped Bennu’s aboveground successful intricate detail, and too observed immoderate absorbing things from this vantage point, including rocks spewing from Bennu’s surface.

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