Slack’s Monday Morning Notification Mess

Trending 2 weeks ago

Some Slack users are uncovering that their notifications aren’t showing up connected nan level this morning, aliases that their corresponding messages are harder to find than usual. A less of my colleagues are reporting akin issues connected The Verge’s Slack channels, and I’ve been receiving repeated notifications for thread messages that I’ve already marked arsenic read. The issues too look to beryllium affecting tags for different users — if a workfellow hasn’t responded to your pings, DM them consecutive for now.

Slack is alert that “notifications whitethorn beryllium missing for immoderate users” and logged an incident study astatine 7:52AM ET today, later confirming that nan rumor is impacting threads. “We’re presently investigating nan rumor and we’ll beryllium backmost erstwhile we personification overmuch information,” Slack announced connected its position page. “We’re sorry for immoderate interruption to your day.”

It’s unclear what’s causing nan disruption to notifications aliases really galore Slack users personification been impacted. There’s a visible spike connected Downdetector, but very less reports personification been logged. 

For myself, astatine least, immoderate notifications are coming through, but respective minutes aft a relationship has been sent. As of 10:10AM ET, Slack said that “other notifications should beryllium moving arsenic expected, but threads whitethorn not beryllium loading correctly.”


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