Samsung Goes Back To Basics With The Galaxy S25 Ultra’s Stylus

Trending 3 weeks ago

The “Ultra” exemplary successful Samsung’s Galaxy S lineup is typically nan telephone crammed afloat of each characteristic nan institution could deliberation of. But this year, nan Galaxy S25 Ultra is really taking a measurement backward pinch nan S Pen. The mobility gestures and useful distant camera shutter usability personification been removed, and nan stylus is backmost to being conscionable a stylus. You tin still activity it astir for illustration a magic wand, but nan telephone won’t do anything.

During a media briefing connected nan caller S25 bid past week, Samsung explained that customers seldom ever utilized nan “Air action” gestures. So nan institution decided to effort and trim costs by ditching them entirely. And no, nan starting worth of nan S25 Ultra hasn’t recreation down arsenic a result. Samsung believes different hardware upgrades are overmuch than tin to support nan aforesaid $1,299.99 price.

A hands-on photograph of Samsung’s Galaxy S25 smartphone lineup.

More comfortable phone. Less tin S Pen.

I ne'er bothered pinch nan gimmicky gestures overmuch than erstwhile aliases twice. But having a convenient (and subtle) measurement of taking a photograph erstwhile nan telephone was positioned location retired of scope was very convenient.

Samsung apparently thinks that nan thenar mobility — wherever nan telephone recognizes personification holding up their manus and automatically triggers nan shutter — is simply a decent substitute. You tin too powerfulness nan S25 Ultra’s camera pinch a paired Galaxy Watch. But I’d logic neither of those is arsenic elemental arsenic pressing a fastener connected nan stylus. They’re surely not arsenic inconspicuous if you’re trying to seizure a candid shot. (The S Pen’s fastener still exists, but it’s mostly location to bring up nan Air bid shortcuts menu.)

A hands-on photograph of Samsung’s Galaxy S25 smartphone lineup.

Unlike past models, nan S Pen can’t trigger nan S25 Ultra’s camera.

This small tin S Pen marks a astonishing regression for Samsung’s do-everything smartphone. However, nan institution seems hopeful that its Galaxy AI package capabilities will personification greater customer adoption. At slightest nan useful screen-off memo characteristic isn’t going anywhere.

Photography by Chris Welch / The Verge

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