Prime Video Locks Down Lionsgate Streaming In Time For The Next Hunger Games

Trending 2 weeks ago

Emma Roth

Emma Roth is a news writer who covers nan streaming wars, personification tech, crypto, societal media, and overmuch more. Previously, she was a writer and editor astatine MUO.

Amazon’s Prime Video is astir to get a batch overmuch Lionsgate films arsenic information of a multi-year woody that will put nan studio’s afloat 2026 slate of films connected nan service. Under nan agreement, Prime Video will exclusively watercourse Lionsgate’s upcoming films successful nan US aft they first look connected Starz. The lineup includes titles for illustration Now You See Me 3 and The Hunger Games: Sunrise connected nan Reaping.

Prime Video doesn’t opportunity really agelong this exclusivity exemplary will last, but nan woody will turn nan number of high-profile movies connected nan service, joining nan swath of films it added pursuing Amazon’s acquisition of MGM. Netflix has a akin woody successful spot that brings Sony films exclusively to nan platform.

Along pinch these caller films, Prime Video will too beryllium tin to licence definite “premium” titles from Lionsgate’s broader catalog, specified arsenic John Wick, Twilight, Divergent, Weeds, and Nurse Jackie, starting adjacent year. Prime Video will too get immoderate of nan films from Liongate’s 2025 lineup, but there’s nary relationship connected which ones it will include, for illustration nan John Wick spinoff Ballerina aliases Saw XI.

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