Pbs Channels Are Streaming Free Inside Amazon’s Prime Video App

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MC Project

Jan 28, 2025 12:25 AM - 9 minutes ago


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  3. PBS channels are streaming free wrong Amazon’s Prime Video app

Though overmuch of PBS’ programming is already disposable to watercourse done done its ain apps, now you tin entree it done Amazon Prime Video.

Amazon has launched a action of new, ad-free FAST channels consisting of programming from complete 150 conception PBS relationship stations and nan PBS KIDS Channel. Even if you aren’t subscribed to Prime Video, you will beryllium tin to entree unrecorded relationship streams successful nan “Watch for Free” section without having to watch nan third-party ads seen connected Amazon’s different FAST channels.

When Amazon and PBS first announced their business past November, PBS’ main integer trading serviceman Ira Rubenstein described nan woody arsenic “part of nan PBS committedness to make trusted contented disposable to each households crossed arsenic galore platforms arsenic possible.”

The motorboat of Prime’s PBS FAST channels comes conscionable months aft Amazon unopen down Freevee, its ad-supported transmission that featured original bid for illustration Judy Justice arsenic bully arsenic licensed contented from different networks for illustration Chicago Fire.

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