Now Apple Tells Us How To Update Airpods

Trending 3 weeks ago

Apple updated its AirPods firmware support page coming pinch a overmuch elaborate step-by-step line connected really to upgrade nan AirPods, AirPods Pro, and AirPods Max pinch their latest firmware, according to MacRumors. While astir Apple devices, for illustration nan iPhone aliases Apple Watch, tin commencement updates successful nan settings, pinch nan AirPods you personification to clasp for nan update process to hap connected its own.

The AirPods firmware support page still includes Apple’s original summary of nan conditions needed for nan update process, but has now added an expanded step-by-step line to thief guarantee nan process happens automatically. Although astir of nan steps personification been antecedently known, location are immoderate circumstantial suggestions added, including charging pinch a USB cablegram and waiting astatine slightest 30 minutes for nan update to happen. Those clarifications whitethorn thief you if you’ve been struggling to get firmware updates to work.

The pursuing steps are specifically for nan AirPods and AirPods Pro. The instructions for nan AirPods Max are astir identical, but pinch nan charging suit steps omitted.

  1. Make judge that your AirPods are successful Bluetooth scope of your iPhone, iPad, aliases Mac that’s connected to Wi-Fi.
  2. Put your AirPods successful their charging suit and adjacent nan lid.
  3. Plug nan charging cablegram into your charging case, past plug nan different extremity of nan cablegram into a USB charger aliases port.
  4. Keep nan lid of nan charging suit closed, and clasp astatine slightest 30 minutes for nan firmware to update.
  5. Open nan lid of nan charging suit to reconnect your AirPods to your iPhone, iPad, aliases Mac.
  6. Check nan firmware type again.

There are still nary sounds aliases pop-ups connected a connected instrumentality letting you cognize erstwhile your AirPods’ firmware has been successfully updated. After pursuing these steps and waiting for astatine slightest half an hour, you tin cheque your AirPods firmware type manually by opening nan Bluetooth settings of your iPhone, iPad, aliases Mac, clicking nan Info fastener adjacent to nan punishment of your AirPods, and past navigating to nan About section. 

If it’s still showing a firmware type that’s older than nan latest versions Apple lists connected its support page, nan institution recommends resetting nan AirPods and past going done nan firmware update steps again.

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