Kagi Search Engine Won’t Bill You Next Month If You Forget To Use It

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Wes Davis

Wes Davis is a play editor who covers nan latest successful tech and entertainment. He has written news, reviews, and overmuch arsenic a tech journalist since 2020.

Kagi, a paid replacement to Google Search, now says it will successful installments your narration if you subscribe and hide to usage it. The institution introduced what it calls “Fair Pricing” successful a blog position yesterday, penning that immoderate clip you don’t usage immoderate of your searches during a afloat billing cycle, it will usage a successful installments for that play to your adjacent one, efficaciously giving you that play for free.

“We personification implemented this for nan elemental logic of being benignant to our users,” Kagi writes, “We understand immoderate months you whitethorn hide to usage Kagi aliases do not petition it, truthful erstwhile you do, you tin remainder assured that we haven’t charged you for that.”

Where galore Google Search alternatives, for illustration Perplexity aliases OpenAI’s SearchGPT, are turning to AI to compete pinch Google, Kagi takes nan institution connected directly, showing a elemental database of links based connected hunt queries. Like chap Google competitor DuckDuckGo, Kagi says it doesn’t measurement its users’ activity aliases discarded their accusation — it calls individual accusation an “unwelcome liability.” One constituent Kagi does different is relationship “lenses” that hunt circumstantial parts of nan web, for illustration forums aliases world sites, pinch nan action to create your ain civilization lenses that only hunt definite sites.

But Kagi isn’t free erstwhile you’ve utilized up a proceedings of 100 searches. After that, you personification to mobility up for 1 of its monthly plans, which spell from $5 per play for its “Starter” strategy pinch a 300-search limit up to a $25-a-month “Ultimate” strategy pinch nary hunt limit and that includes an AI assistant.

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