Jetblue Is The First Airline To Take Venmo Payments

Trending 2 weeks ago

Jennifer Pattison Tuohy

Jennifer Pattison Tuohy is a smart location newsman who’s been testing connected gadgets since 2013. Previously a contributor to Wirecutter, Wired, Dwell, and US News.

This month, JetBlue announced it has added Venmo arsenic a costs action for booking a statement connected The institution says nan characteristic will recreation to nan JetBlue mobile app later this year. Now, alternatively of entering your insubstantial specifications aliases utilizing PayPal, you tin return to net for your summons pinch your Venmo equilibrium aliases pinch nan slope account, credit, aliases debit insubstantial linked to your Venmo account.

JetBlue is nan first hose to judge payments from nan peer-to-peer costs app, which is owned by PayPal. Like Apple Pay, Google Pay, aliases PayPal itself, Venmo lets you complete a transaction without having to excavation retired your successful installments insubstantial aliases input your financial specifications into nan website.

Currently, you tin only usage Venmo to net for tickets, truthful that EatUp Box connected your statement location will petition a overmuch accepted style of cashless payment. However, Venmo thinks its users will invited nan caller option, peculiarly arsenic a measurement to lick immoderate of nan denotation points of paying for group trips. Using nan company’s Groups feature, which lets users track, split, and negociate group expenses, paying for flights pinch Venmo should make that bachelorette connection recreation to Charleston a mini easier to plan.

Venmo is now a costs action connected

Here’s really to bargain your adjacent JetBlue summons utilizing Venmo:

  • Head to and return your flight
  • At nan checkout page, nether More Payment Options premier Venmo
  • Scan nan QR codification pinch nan Venmo app connected your phone
  • Process nan costs successful nan app utilizing your Venmo equilibrium aliases a linked narration aliases card.
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