Herman Miller Made A Convertible Standing Desk That Actually Looks Great

Trending 1 week ago

Andrew Liszewski

Andrew Liszewski is a elder newsman who’s been covering and reviewing nan latest gadgets and tech since 2011, but has loved each things physics since he was a kid.

Herman Miller has announced a caller height-adjustable array that doesn’t look for illustration one. Instead of relying connected conscionable 2 columns to raise and small its activity surface, nan Spout Sit-to-Stand Table uses 4 cylindrical legs, each containing their ain motor. The creation makes nan Spout array easier to move astir (it moreover includes optional wheels), allows for overmuch group to usage it simultaneously, and boosts its lifting spot to up to 400 pounds.

As pinch astir of Herman Miller’s products, nan Spout comes pinch 1 awesome drawback: its worth tag. According to a merchandise from nan institution today, nan Spout will beryllium disposable successful sizes ranging from 24x48 inches up to 48x84 inches. However, Herman Miller’s online shop presently only lists 3 sizes disposable for purchase. A 23x46-inch action which starts astatine $2,300, a 29x58-inch for $2,600, and a 35x70-inch for $2,700. Upgrading nan largest type pinch a walnut veneer decorativeness and a hidden cablegram tray boosts its worth to $3,400.

Three versions of Herman Miller’s Spout array pinch different finishes and accessories.

With its unsocial limb arrangement, nan larger versions of nan Spout array personification tin room for chairs to beryllium utilized connected each 4 sides. That perchance makes it a overmuch useful information of furnishings for collaborative spaces — assuming everyone utilizing nan array tin activity together erstwhile it’s clip to raise aliases small it.

Although nan cablegram tray, which hangs beneath nan array to support piles of wires retired of sight, is an optional accessory, nan Spout still features a cablegram guidance strategy connected nan underside, including clips connected 1 limb to wrangle its powerfulness cord.

A laptop connected apical of nan Herman Miller Spout array connected to a USB-C port.

An integrated retention drawer connected 1 broadside is ample tin to accommodate laptops and different smaller electronics, and they tin too beryllium charged while inside. The Spout is 1 of Herman Miller’s first products to activity pinch its caller Ello Power accessories. Integrated into nan aboveground of nan array are a brace of USB-C ports that tin each coming up to 100W of powerfulness — tin to title a laptop — though powerfulness proscription drops to 65W while immoderate are successful use. If that’s not enough, overmuch USB-C ports tin beryllium added done further accessories.

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