Here’s What Samsung’s First Android Xr Headset Looks Like In Person

Trending 3 weeks ago

Samsung has its Project Moohan headset connected show astatine Galaxy Unpacked, and we’ve conscionable taken a bunch of pictures of it.

This technically isn’t nan first clip we’ve seen Project Moohan, but it is nan first clip we’ve been allowed to photograph it. To me, it looks somewhat akin to Apple’s high-end Vision Pro headset pinch a hint of Meta’s discontinued Quest Pro.

The headset, which Samsung is processing successful business pinch Google, runs Android XR, an OS designed specifically for headsets and smart glasses. My workfellow Victoria Song sewage to effort Project Moohan precocious past year, truthful if you want to cognize what it’s for illustration to really deterioration and use, spell cheque retired her impressions.

Samsung plans to motorboat Project Moohan for developers first, but it won’t beryllium disposable correct distant for consumers.

Here are our photos from nan arena level astatine Unpacked:

Samsung’s Project Moohan headset astatine Galaxy Unpacked

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Side position of Samsung’s Project Moohan headset astatine Galaxy Unpacked

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Samsung’s Project Moohan headset astatine Galaxy Unpacked

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Wide image of Samsung’s Project Moohan headset astatine Galaxy Unpacked

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

Samsung’s Project Moohan headset astatine Galaxy Unpacked

Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge

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