Google Reportedly Worked Directly With Israel’s Military On Ai Tools

Trending 3 weeks ago

Google worked pinch nan Israeli taxable successful nan contiguous aftermath of its crushed penetration of nan Gaza Strip, racing to deed retired Amazon to proviso AI services, according to institution documents obtained by nan Washington Post. 

In nan weeks aft Hamas’s October 7th onslaught connected Israel, labour astatine Google’s unreality conception worked consecutive pinch nan Israel Defense Forces (IDF) — moreover arsenic nan institution told immoderate nan nationalist and its ain labour that Google only worked pinch civilian authorities ministries, nan documents reportedly show.

Weeks aft nan warfare began, an worker pinch Google’s unreality conception escalated nan IDF’s military’s requests for entree to Google’s AI technology, according to nan Post. In different document, an worker warned that Google needed to quickly respond to nan military’s requests, aliases different Israel would move to Amazon for its unreality computing needs. In a November 2023 document, an worker acknowledgment a coworker for handling nan IDF’s request. Months later, labour requested further entree to AI devices for nan IDF. 

Amid this, Google was punishing labour for protesting Project Nimbus, Israel’s $1.2 cardinal connection for Google and Amazon’s unreality computing services. Google fired 28 labor who staged sit-in protests astatine nan company’s offices successful New York and California, immoderate of whom were too arrested during nan demonstrations.

At nan aforesaid time, Google denied that it was moving pinch nan Israeli military. “We personification been very clear that nan Nimbus connection is for workloads moving connected our commercialized unreality by Israeli authorities ministries, who activity together to comply pinch our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy,” Anna Kowalczyk, nan outer communications caput for Google Cloud, told The Verge successful April 2024. “This activity is not directed astatine highly sensitive, classified, aliases taxable workloads applicable to weapons aliases intelligence services,” Kowalczyk said.

Google did not instantly respond to The Verge’s petition for comment.

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