Effective Comparison Pages: 6 Steps For Better Conversion Rates

Trending 2 weeks ago

Imagine this: You're scrolling done your analytics. You consciousness beautiful bully astir your website traffic. But past you notice: Your conversion rates connected acquisition pages aren't alternatively wherever you want them to be. 

Sound familiar? You're not alone. 

Here's nan kicker: The solution mightiness beryllium simpler than you think.

Enter: comparison pages.

When I first started successful integer marketing, I overlooked these powerhouses. But erstwhile I discovered their potential? Game-changer.

In this post, you'll study precisely what a comparison page does, really it helps consenting shoppers, and what elements make it high-converting. By nan extremity of nan article, you’ll personification a step-by-step line for making your own.

Ready to move overmuch of your visitors into customers? Here’s how.

Key Elements of Effective Comparison Pages

Comparison pages are for illustration your website's best-closing salesperson. They thief a would-be purchaser comparison your merchandise to other, akin options. That way, buyers tin easy spot what makes your merchandise (or your competitors’) guidelines out.

Done right, effective comparison pages tin make alternatively a value successful conversion rates.

For example, task guidance package institution Teamwork collaborated pinch GetUplift to proceedings and optimize their merchandise comparison page. As a result, Teamwork accrued nan conversion title by 54%.

How did they do it? 

They paired nan correct merchandise comparison accusation pinch emotionally charged messaging points. Like this:

 The Wrike replacement specifically designed for customer work." The leader includes testimonials and benefits.
Features comparison conception has cheque marks for each brand's features.

Effective comparison pages:

  • Target prospects who are almost caller to make a purchase 
  • Provide easy-to-understand accusation astir features and uses customers attraction astir most
  • Instill a consciousness of assurance successful readers, truthful they tin make a determination they consciousness bully about

But not each comparison pages are created equal. 

Let's return a look astatine nan steps needed to create 1 that works.

Step 1: Leverage Internal Knowledge

Trying to represent a comparison page without first collecting elaborate merchandise intel is for illustration cooking a gourmet repast without first checking what ingredients you have. No matter really skilled you are, it won’t beryllium delicious.

So, earlier you commencement writing, excavation into your company’s merchandise expertise. 

Here's how:

  • Interview your income team. They comprehend firsthand from prospects what they for illustration and what turns them away.
  • Chat pinch customer occurrence reps. They cognize which features your existing customers emotion and nan challenges they commonly face.
  • Pick nan brains of your merchandise managers. They tin show you astir nan features and functionalities that group your merchandise apart.
  • Consult pinch your trading team. They cognize what messaging resonates best.

Key questions to ask:

  • What are our customers' biggest denotation points? Understand nan issues your customers face. That way, you tin bespeak their ain needs backmost to them connected nan comparison page.
  • How does our merchandise lick these problems? Find retired specifically really nan merchandise helps. That way, you tin point nan nonstop features customers petition most.
  • What features do customers emotion most? This mightiness beryllium different from nan features they petition most. Find retired what surprises and delights customers astir nan product. Include those successful your comparison content, too.
  • What objections do prospects commonly raise? Find retired why prospects hesitate to purchase. That way, you tin reside concerns proactively connected your comparison page.

When you cod this rich, psyche knowledge and usage it bully connected effective comparison pages, nan pages are not conscionable informative. They’re highly persuasive. 

Step 2: Understand Search Intent

This is wherever galore marketers spell wrong. They create webpage contented without considering what users want. Actually, this is existent for creating any online content. 

It pays to get to cognize your audiences’ hunt intent.

Search intent is nan extremity a searcher has successful mind erstwhile they type a keyword into Google. It’s nan intent down their hunt and an denotation of nan type of contented they’re looking for.

A whopping 99% of each hunt position caller into 1 of 4 intent categories: 

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Commercial
  • Transactional
An illustration of each intent, respectively, is task management, asana login, champion task guidance tools, and bargain task guidance tools.

Here's an example: If personification searches for "best almanac software," they’re not trying to study what almanac booking package is. They already know. They're comparing almanac package options—they apt intend to acquisition a almanac solution.

To observe nan hunt intent for your keywords:

  1. Analyze hunt centrifugal results pages (SERPs). Search for your term. Look astatine what’s already ranking. The apical results tin uncover a batch astir what users expect to see.
  2. Identify patterns successful top-ranking pages. Note nan communal features, formats, and structures. What are nan successful pages doing right?

For a overmuch precise method, get a mini thief from a keyword investigation tool, for illustration Keyword Overview from Semrush. 

Simply unfastened nan tool. Enter your keywords into nan unfastened matter field. Pinpoint your location utilizing nan drop-down if you want to. Then click “Search.”


On nan default “Overview” tab, you’ll spot basal accusation astir your keywords for illustration really often they’re searched, really difficult it would beryllium to create contented that ranks highly, and—you guessed it—the hunt intent.

The hunt intent for nan keyword "best almanac software" is commercial.

Once you cognize nan hunt intent for your target keywords, you tin incorporated those keywords into nan type of contented your assemblage is searching for. 

For instance:

Add keywords with informational hunt intent to your homepage and immoderate pages pinch acquisition content

Add keywords pinch navigational intent to nan respective location and merchandise pages

And, finally, incorporated keywords pinch commercialized and transactional intent into your comparison pages

Getting searchers to nan contented they’re caller for moves them further connected nan buyers’ journey. And attracting prospects who are caller to make a acquisition to your comparison pages will thief boost conversion.

Step 3: Nail Your Layout and Page Design

The astir effective comparison pages are very intentionally designed. The bid successful which you coming accusation tin make aliases break your conversion rates. 

Here's what works.

Start pinch an attention-grabbing intro. Use denotation points aliases awesome benefits to hook your reader. Just make judge it ties successful consecutive pinch nan benefits of your product.

Pain points are presented arsenic slug points successful nan introduction.

Next, intelligibly articulate nan products’ benefits. Remember your users are astir caller to purchase, truthful they’re apt looking for specifics. 

Format nan page truthful they tin quickly comprehend your products’ champion features. Like this:

The benefits are listed arsenic bolded headers followed by an mentation and screenshot.

Now that readers personification a basal knowing of your product’s benefits, showcase your solution’s existent capabilities

Pictures and GIFs are a awesome measurement to show really your merchandise useful contextually. They fto readers ideate what it mightiness beryllium for illustration to really usage your product.

A gif walks done a tool's capabilities successful existent time.

Then, explain really your merchandise compares to competitors

Pick nan alternatives your assemblage is astir apt to beryllium consenting in. That way, your comparison page contented is highly applicable to them. 

Listing 3 to 5 usually works. 

You don’t petition entree to their psyche information. Condense publically disposable accusation for your reader. 

An replacement is listed pinch cardinal features bolded.

Finally, wrap up your comparison page pinch a compelling telephone to action (CTA)

At this point, your clever clever should beryllium very adjacent to purchase-ready, truthful don’t beryllium acrophobic to nonstop them to a merchandise page wherever they tin make nan purchase. 

The telephone to action is simply a bolded header pinch a bolded CTA and nexus to mobility up.

Or, if you personification a merchandise aliases assemblage that requires a batch of warming up, nexus to a deeper assets wherever they tin study more, for illustration merchandise videos aliases a personalized demo.

The constituent is: You want nan assemblage to convert. Use your CTA to nonstop nan bottom-of-the-funnel imaginable toward nan past steps successful their buyers’ journey. 

Step 4: Focus connected Content Quality and Relevance

Quality contented is key, peculiarly for comparison pages. 

It comes down to nan specifications you include. And really bully your trading contented connects pinch would-be customers, linking your merchandise backmost to their denotation points and concerns. 

Here's really to nail contented worth and relevance:

  • Get to cognize nan customer experience, including nan challenges they attraction astir most, nan constraints they tally within, and nan things that would make their lives easier
  • Map merchandise features to circumstantial denotation points, truthful you tin represent merchandise contented that provides a consciousness of dream and alleviation to your target audience
  • Stay up to time pinch merchandise changes, caller features, and celebrated usage cases so you accurately group assemblage expectations astir really precisely your merchandise tin beryllium used
  • Regularly update your comparison pages truthful your ready-to-purchase prospects ever personification nan latest

Step 5: Implement SEO Best Practices

Comparison pages are only effective if they’re being seen. Capture that ready-to-convert customer attraction successful hunt results pages by creating your comparison page pinch SEO champion practices successful mind. 

Focusing connected a less SEO fundamentals will help. 

Be judge to:

Include your target keyword successful nan URL slug. This lets nan hunt engines cognize what your article is about.

The URL slug is nan punishment of nan competitor affirmative alternatives.

Naturally weave that keyword passim your content, too. Putting it successful nan title, H1s, H2s, and first 100 words helps most. Just beryllium judge not to portion it if it doesn’t fit.

The keyword appears group successful nan comparison page's text.

Write a title tag that captures attention. Think of it for illustration a mini advertisement for your contented that searchers spot earlier they click.

The title tag includes nan keyword.

Use H2 and H3 tags for clear contented structure. This makes it easier for your readers to skim and comprehend your content. It helps hunt engines understand what’s included, too.

Key features are bolded arsenic H3s passim nan comparison page.

Always optimize your images pinch alt text. Not only is your contented overmuch accessible for those reference aboveground readers, but it intends hunt engines tin contextually comprehend your images, too. 

Here’s an illustration from Calendly’s website. When hovering complete nan image they personification an alt tag that describes what nan screenshot is.


Step 6: Leverage User Engagement Data

If your extremity is to create effective comparison pages, your activity won’t beryllium done erstwhile they launch.

Far from it.

Keep an oculus connected personification behaviour erstwhile your page is unrecorded and you’ll find opportunities to optimize your contented for moreover amended capacity down nan line.

Use devices for illustration Hotjar, Crazy Egg, aliases Fullstory to analyse personification behaviour connected your comparison pages. Look for:

  • Sections wherever users locomotion nan astir time
  • Areas pinch precocious click rates
  • Points wherever users bladed to driblet off

Say, for example, you announcement that users don’t publication beneath nan fold. 

You mightiness find to make your contented supra nan fold overmuch compelling to support nan personification reading. Maybe you adhd overmuch denotation points they tin subordinate to aliases inquire them a provocative question. 

Another action is to adhd a CTA supra nan fold. That way, your clever clever has a chance to move guardant without having to publication your afloat article. 

Common Pitfalls to Avoid 

To create effective comparison pages, debar these communal mistakes: 

  1. DON’T attraction excessively overmuch connected hunt volume. Traffic to your comparison page is great. But visitors aren’t your superior goal—conversion is. 
  2. DO look astatine postulation accusation to spot which hunt position bring visitors to your page. Review nan hunt intent associated pinch those terms. Make judge those are group looking to make a purchase. Adjust contented for different keywords if they’re not.
  3. DON’T attraction excessively overmuch connected keyword inclusion. Forcing keywords into your contented successful unnatural ways tin lead to clunky penning and a disrupted recreation of information.
  4. DO support SEO basics successful mind, conscionable attraction overmuch connected nan worth of nan contented and presenting it successful a earthy sound that appeals to readers. 
  5. DON’T hide to spot competitor comparisons. Marketers are sometimes acrophobic to punctual prospects that alternatives exist. But they already know! And they’re looking them up anyway. This is your chance to make judge nan astir useful accusation comes from you.
  6. DO honestly and confidently correspond your merchandise alongside alternatives, pinch clear indications astir wherever your action is substantially better. This will animate spot among would-be customers. They’ll consciousness overmuch assured astir nan accusation provided. 

Real-World Examples of High-Converting Comparison Pages

Once you personification each of your contented written and published, it’s clip to measurement which circumstantial pieces are driving conversions and find nan logic why. 

CourseStorm Presents Jackrabbit Alternatives 

This comparison page is hosted by CourseStorm. Jackrabbit is simply a superior competitor. 

The comparison page converts bully for a less reasons. 

It starts retired appealing to nan target assemblage by listing communal challenges they’re apt having pinch Jackrabbit. 

Comparison page lists challenges arsenic slug points.

It provides a hopeful relationship astir what nan correct solution mightiness really consciousness like. This demonstrates an knowing of their target audience. It makes them consciousness understood. 

The relationship says, "The correct group registration and costs package tin toggle style nan measurement you interact pinch your students and their parents."

The page promises to comparison 5 viable alternatives (with their ain solution first, naturally). 

Alternative solutions are listed successful a numbered list, hyperlinked to each section.

And did you drawback nan CTA location supra nan fold? Those who don’t want to publication nan afloat information tin return action correct away. 

Of course, what stands retired astir this page are nan features and capabilities of CourseStorm. The contented describes 5 awesome merchandise features. This makes it clear what this merchandise does, who it’s champion suited for, and really it compares to celebrated alternatives. 

The characteristic is it's ain conception pinch mentation and image.

SoundThinking Explains ShotSpotter successful Depth

SoundThinking captures leads by presenting in-depth accusation connected its gunshot find system, ShotSpotter. 

The page provides an overview of 5 of nan system’s cardinal features, including screenshots alongside each one.

Comparison page lists each characteristic arsenic a heading pinch an mentation and image.

This makes it easy for visitors to understand nan software’s intent and ideate what it mightiness beryllium for illustration to usage it. 

The page provides an easy-to-use database of questions readers tin usage to measurement immoderate gunshot find strategy they mightiness beryllium considering. This tin animate overmuch spot successful SoundThinking arsenic a trusted leader. 

The comparison page includes a mobility checklist.

And, astatine nan extremity of nan page, there’s a CTA for nan clever clever to petition overmuch information. 

The CTA includes a fastener to schedule a call.

Use Effective Comparison Pages to Drive Real Results

Effective comparison pages tin beryllium a game-changer for boosting conversions. Follow nan six-step process successful this line to create pages that rank bully and thrust existent business results.


  • Focus connected customer needs
  • Represent your merchandise authentically and pinch confidence
  • Provide honest, valuable competitor comparisons
  • Do overmuch of what works, study from what doesn’t 

Ready to supercharge your conversion rates? Start implementing these strategies today.

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