Comcast Is Adding Dolby Atmos To Its ‘4k’ Super Bowl Broadcast This Year

Trending 1 week ago

Chris Welch

Chris Welch is a elder reviewer who has worked astatine The Verge since its founding successful 2011. His sum areas spot audio (Sonos, Apple, Bose, Sony, etc.), location theater, smartphones, photography, and more.

From a position standpoint, Super Bowl LIX will mostly beryllium sticking to nan position quo connected Sunday. Fox Sports is capturing nan crippled successful 1080p HDR and upscaling that to 4K for its ain networks and nan free Tubi unrecorded stream. Comcast conscionable announced that it’ll beryllium airing nan crippled successful Dolby Vision, which it has done before, but now pinch Dolby Atmos for nan first time. The 2nd is definite to beryllium a virtualized business signal, but it could still lend immoderate different ambiance to nan crippled if you’ve sewage a bully location theatre setup.

Comcast says nan Dolby Vision / Atmos broadcast of Super Bowl LIX will beryllium disposable to Xfinity TV customers arsenic information of its Enhanced 4K offerings, which “provides customers pinch an unmatched viewing acquisition pinch nan champion image and audio quality, delivered to nan location successful nan fastest measurement imaginable truthful nan action customers spot successful their surviving room is only seconds down nan crippled unfolding successful New Orleans.” If you’re an Xfinity Stream subscriber, you tin too watch it location arsenic well.

A screenshot of Comcast’s planned Super Bowl LIX position connected Xfinity TV.

The game’s image worth will beryllium akin to what we’ve seen successful caller years, but you mightiness announcement immoderate unsocial shots arsenic nan Eagles and Chiefs look off. Fox Sports says it’s utilizing a Super Slowmo / 4K SkyCam, which is simply a first for nan Super Bowl, truthful I’ll beryllium funny to spot erstwhile and really that’s used.

I’ve sewage friends who still insist connected nan OTA antenna method of watching nan Big Game for nan “purest” feed, but I decidedly for illustration nan HDR acquisition complete that — wherever you tin find it. The wider colour gamut makes a existent difference, and nan upscaled 4K image apparently meets nan “good enough” barroom for nan tremendous assemblage that will beryllium watching connected Sunday if we’re still doing it this way. For reference, past year’s crippled tallied 123.4 cardinal mean viewers crossed each platforms, according to nan NFL.

(Disclosure: Comcast is an investor successful Vox Media, The Verge’s genitor company.)

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