Canon Set A New Record With Its 410-megapixel 35mm Camera Sensor

Trending 3 weeks ago

The megapixel title isn’t complete if you inquire Canon. Today, nan institution announced a caller 35mm full-frame CMOS sensor pinch a solution of 410 megapixels. That’s 24,592 x 16,704 pixels and a solution that’s balanced to 24K — aliases 12 times nan solution of 8K and 198 times nan solution of HD.

It’s nan ”largest number of pixels ever achieved successful a 35mm full-frame sensor,” according to Canon, but don’t expect nan institution to coming it connected its consumer-ready integer cameras. It’s designed for surveillance, medicine, and different business “applications that petition utmost resolution,” and don’t mind paying a mini luck for it.

Thanks to a “redesigned circuitry pattern” and a precocious developed “back-illuminated stacked connection successful which nan pixel conception and awesome processing conception are interlayered,” Canon says nan sensor has a readout velocity of “3,280 megapixels per second,” allowing full-resolution images to beryllium captured astatine 8 frames per second.

Canon will too relationship a monochrome type of nan sensor pinch a “four-pixel binning” usability that improves low-light sensitivity by treating 4 adjacent pixels arsenic one. Although that reduces its wide resolution, it allows nan monochromatic type of nan sensor to seizure 100-megapixel videos astatine 24 frames per second.

If you want to maximize your megapixels, you typically petition to move to medium-format aliases larger sensors and bigger cameras. The Phase One XF IQ4 150MP, for example, tin seizure images astatine 150-megapixels. But by putting this overmuch solution into a 35mm sensor that will beryllium compatible pinch a wide scope of lenses already disposable for full-frame cameras, Canon says it will thief “contribute to nan miniaturization of shooting equipment.”

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