Apple’s Sports App Now Tells You Where You Can Watch Nationally Broadcast Games

Trending 3 weeks ago

Apple updated its iOS Sports app coming pinch respective caller features, including a faster measurement to navigate nan app, support for a fistful of further changeable tournaments, and accusation astir wherever you tin watch games that are being nationally broadcast successful nan US.

According to nan merchandise notes for nan update, you tin now quickly “swipe adjacent aliases correct to browse each of nan leagues and teams you follow.” When connected a page for a circumstantial game, beneath each team’s punishment and grounds for nan play you’ll now find an further connection listing broadcast accusation specified arsenic “Live connected NHL Network,” aliases “Live connected TNT, Max, truTV,” if location are respective ways to watch it.

A screenshot of nan Apple Sports app showing broadcast accusation for upcoming games.

The Apple Sports app now provides small specifications connected wherever to watch nationally-televised games successful nan US.

Screenshot: Richard Lawler / The Verge

The update too expands nan Sports app’s changeable sum pinch nan summation of nan UK’s FA Cup, EFL Championship, and League Cup tournaments.

Apple Sports launched successful February, giving fans of respective different awesome sports leagues – including nan NBA, NHL, and MLS – a one-stop solution for keeping tabs connected scores, stats, upcoming games, and moreover betting odds. In August, nan app added unrecorded scores and play-by-play info for NFL and assemblage changeable games and expanded its Live Activities support “for each teams and leagues disposable successful nan app,” making it easier to measurement games connected an iPhone’s fastener aboveground and nan Apple Watch.

In December, it too introduced summaries of scoring plays and ample moments successful a crippled called Key Plays, affirmative normal standings that made it easier to measurement which teams qualified for nan postseason.

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